BOOKS – 9 – BOOK 1 1-BOOK 2
1 JIW Permanent for C & J Electric at Rhinemetal in St. Mary’s to report Tuesday, March 25th – 1st shift. Must know Motor Control and Troubleshooting Machines. Steel toed boots, 2 forms ID, voided check required. 40 hours with possible overtime.
Job Line Phone Number: 419-879-0032
Local 32 is a Day Book only. Jobs are placed on the recorder / website by 5:00pm daily.
Daybook sign time are 8:00am – 9:00am. Calls are dispatched at 9:00am sharp. We will go by “Hall” time.
Resign shall be required monthly, beginning on the 10th and ending on the 16th of each month. If your original sign date is before the current month’s resign date, you must resign for that month. You may fax, email, or resign in-person. No resigns will be accepted late. RESIGN MUST INCLUDE NAME, PAGE AND LINE NUMBER, HOME LOCAL NUMBER, IBEW CARD NUMBER, AND ADDRESS.
All Cenovus Lima Refinery and Lima Chemical Plant calls require you to be clean shaven/steel toe boots/2 forms of ID/voided check and pass a DISA background check.
You MUST have a 10 panel BWC Compliant drug test that is dated within the last year to take a call in this Local.
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 5, 2017
- All applicants for employment must sign the appropriate out-of-work list during normal office hours, Monday thru Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm, except during dispatch. There will be no book signing during dispatch time.
- All applicants shall be required to furnish verified or documented proof of work experience approved by the Business Manager or his representative to qualify for employment.
- You must be currently compliant with IBEW Local 32 Substance Abuse Program at the time of referral. If you have a program through your Local and it is BMWC compliant in Ohio within (one) 1 calendar year prior to the date of referral, it may be compatible with our program. Check at our Hall to find out.
- Daybook sign times will be from 8:00am to 9:00am sharp. We will go by “Hall” time.
- Jobs will be dispatched starting at 9:00am and lasting until however long it takes to get through the calls.
- UPON LAYOFF: Applicants may sign the out-of-work list using the lottery system. Upon the first applicant arriving at the Hall, the applicant will draw a number to show their spot on the out-or-work list. This lottery system will remain open until 8:45am the next business day to accommodate 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Any applicant who wants to sign the out-of-work list while the lottery system is open will also be part of the lottery. This system will be used only in the event of a layoff. An applicant may hold their place on the out-of-work list while serving in the military, serving jury duty, or with a letter from a doctor stating that they are unable to work. Upon receiving a discharge from the military, completing jury duty, or receiving a doctor’s release, they will be returned to the out-of-work list in their appropriate place.
- As a convenience to those seeking employment, IBEW Local #32 will make every effort to announce upcoming jobs on the Local #32 job line and on the Local #32 website. Jobs will be posted at 5:00pm each evening. In doing so, IBEW Local #32 assumes no responsibility for mechanical failure, telephone failure, personnel error, the inadvertent omission of upcoming jobs, or other situations resulting in incomplete or inaccurate information posted on either the job line or the website.
- The top 50 people on each book who are qualified for the call may leave a message to reserve a call – either on the job line, the regular line answering machine, or speak to the Hall before 9:00am on the day of dispatch. You must leave a number at which you can be reached between the hours of 9:00am and 10:30am. Two attempts will be made to reach you at that number. If there is no answer or a busy signal both times, it will be a refusal of the call and you will roll off the book. If a referral is written and the individual doesn’t report for the call, they will roll off the book. Everyone on the book will receive a turndown if they are not here for the call, or do not leave a message if in the top 50, until the call is filled. There are no turndowns given on specialty calls.
- If an applicant takes a referral at the normal dispatching time, but cancels the referral after normal dispatching is complete, the applicant will roll off the book and that job will not be available for referral throughout the day until the normal dispatching time the following workday. Any job not filled at the normal dispatching time will be available for referral throughout that day until normal cut-off time at 3:30pm.
- Turndowns: Any permanent job referred to someone below you on the out-of-work list is considered a turndown. hort calls will not be considered permanent calls. Registrants will be allowed two (2) turndowns without penalty and will be rolled completely off the out-of-work list for a third turndown. Turndowns will be monitored for permanent calls only. The maximum number of turndowns you will receive in a day will be one (1). Documented emergencies, specialty calls, or other exceptions deemed valid by the Business Manager will not result in turndowns. Accepting and completing a short call in Local #32 will reset your turndowns to zero. If you roll off the book for turndowns you must resign in person. There will be no lottery system on resigns after rolling off the book unless the lottery is in effect due to layoffs. The first person in the door is the first person to sign.
- Temporary Calls: (21 calendar days or less) will be offered on a rotating basis. No hit will be given for turning down a temporary call. When an applicant finishes a temporary call, they will be rotated to the bottom of the temporary list. It is the applicant’s responsibility to inform the Hall when a temporary job is completed. No hits will be given to anyone working a temporary call and they will remain on the out-of-work list for the duration of the temporary call. When taking a temporary call out of Local #32, you are expected to complete the call. However, you may still bid on a permanent call while working a temporary call. The completion of any temporary call will reset your turndowns to zero.
- Emergency calls will be put out as a temporary call. No hits are given for emergency calls. The Business Manager is responsible to fill calls in a timely manner as needed by employers. This means in an emergency, referral may have to be made outside normal hours using whatever means are available to fill calls and place registrants.
- Applicants must continue to meet the requirements for referral under their group.
- It is the responsibility of the applicant to notify the Hiring Hall of any address or phone number changes.
- The Business Manager, after proper notice, may require applicants to resign in person no more than once in a calendar year to maintain eligibility on the out-of-work list after their initial signing.
- RESIGN: Resigns will be required monthly beginning on the 10th and ending on the 16th of each month. If your original sign date is before the current month’s resign date, you must resign for that month. You may fax, email, or resign in person. If you are working a temporary call for Local #32 you will still need to resign. No resigns will be accepted late. RESIGN MUST INCLUDE NAME, ADDRESS, PAGE AND LINE NUMBER, HOME LOCAL NUMBER, IBEW CARD NUMBER, or, if not a Union Member, a driver’s license or government approved ID. The resign email is